Face Reading, Hiring Talent, NFL, sports

Who Is Russell Wilson

Photo By ESPN.com

As we continue reviewing the top-rated football players for 2021, let’s take a looker at Seahawks -Russell Wilson.

In reviewing several pictures of Russell on the internet, I’m noticing his eyes are showing more of the sclera (white part of the eye) than normal. In Chinese Medicine, this is referred to as three-white-sided eyes. Most irises will be covered a little bit by the top and bottom eyelids but not in Russell’s case. This tells me that he could be very stressed and most likely weighing heavily on his nervous system. When this happens it usually affects the adrenal glands then in turns makes people hypersensitive and edgy because they are just exhausted.

Russell’s nose is round, sits closer to the face and is fleshy. This tells me that he enjoys the being round the comforts in life. He could even be materialistic to make himself feel better.

Looking at the browbone area tells me that he can be assertive, strong willed and stubborn. Combining the browbone with the eyebrows tell me that he’s a linear thinker and has the ability to make decisions quickly without having to spend too much time in his head.

#NFL #Seahawks #RussellWilson

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